How to recognize and deal with an IP ban


how to unblock ip address


Blocking by IP address will be unpleasant news for both a private user and the owner of a business resource. If you have already become a victim of this event, it is worth considering all the available options for recognizing the ban. Today we will not just talk about how to detect that your address is in the ban, but also how to bypass ip blocking or even prevent it.

Why should IP tracking be avoided?

The first, and most compelling reason to avoid tracking a real address is security. The internet is now present in every aspect of life, and probably not a day goes by that you don’t use search engines. By doing so, you leave a trail behind you every time. A trail that leads intruders directly to your real address, all the information on your computer, including passwords and access codes, and even to other computers in the house.

Also, a possible lockout could be the reason. Of course bypassing a ban by ip is possible, and today we will teach you how to do it. However, it is always better to prevent a problem than to find ways to solve it. There are also less problematic, but very annoying reasons to work on your address on the network. For example, advertising that literally haunts you, a ban on your favorite forum, etc.

Here are a few more reasons to hide your address so that you don’t have to wonder what to do if your IP address is banned.

  • To hide purchases in online stores.
  • To exclude the possibility of tracking online activities.
  • To use blocked resources for political or geographical reasons.
  • To hide your real location, which can be critical for social activists, bloggers, activists.

You can find your own reasons to hide your address, but the most compelling one is still security.

Common reasons for IP blocking

Before learning how to bypass ip address blocking, it is worth studying the reasons for its occurrence. This will help to prevent the repetition of the situation, to choose the best option for solving the problem. Here are some of the most common reasons:


Spamming without the platform’s prior consent. If you send mass messages for commercial purposes, be prepared to be blocked.


Redirecting traffic to a third-party domain, through the placement of link mass in publics, forums, blogs.


If the system recognizes your behavior as “abnormal”. This happens when it collects data from the target site, causing it to limit its speed.


Before you check ip for banned, check if you have tried to access sites from a blocked geolocation.


The reasons may be different. Sometimes they are unfair, and are more of a re-assurance method. Often such methods are used by popular social networks, such as Facebook, TikTok, Instagram and others. In any case, being in the ban is not the most pleasant, and you need to look for a way to bypass blocking by ip.

ip address blocked what to do

How to check if you have been banned by IP

We are almost there, and soon we will find out the most effective methods of getting out of the shadows. But before that, let’s understand how to find out if ip is in the ban, or the cause of trouble in another. Check whether you are banned or not is not so difficult. To do this, you need to go to a special site to check the address. In the search box enter the address, click “check” and get the result. The system will show you the status of the address. If there is a blocking, you will see the date when it started, the reason, and also get recommendations on how to remove the blocking ip address. This is a sure way to get an unambiguous answer, highlight the actions that led to it and apply the necessary measures.

Ways to remove IP blocking

Well, it’s time to get back to the solution to the problem if you are banned by ip how to bypass the blocking. In fact, the solution is one – to change the address. And here are several methods to realize this solution. We have chosen the most effective and accessible (n you will not move to another city because of the ban on the forum).

1. Change your Internet provider

An IP address is assigned by your internet provider. If you have been banned, the most obvious way is to change your internet provider. You can disconnect your home wi-fi and go online through a different provider. This will help you, but the solution is temporary and very clumsy. Plus, it’s not always feasible. If you don’t have an alternative source, then simply changing your ISP won’t work. Only if you are ready to literally change your ISP and sign a contract with a new provider. There must be more compelling reasons for such a difficult step. Let’s find a more elegant way to bypass the ban by ip.

2. Uninstall the program or browser

If the ip address is blocked what else to do but to eliminate the source of the blocking – the browser. You can remove the application or browser through which you got blocked.

To do this, you need to follow a few simple steps.

  • In the control panel on your computer, select “Programs”.
  • Click on the “Programs and Features” tab.
  • Find the desired program and uninstall it.

Not only the program will be removed from your computer, but also any traces of it, including the lock. This solution, like the previous one, cannot be called decent. It can wear the status of “satisfactory”, but no more. But, what to do if the goal is not just to get to the final page, but to remain a confident user of the browser or program.

3. Install a proxy server

One of the best solutions is to install a proxy server. Why this is so we will tell you later, but for now let’s consider it along with other ways to bypass the ban on ipi.

Proxy is such an intermediary between you and the Internet. In the network no one will not recognize your address, and therefore can not block it. In addition, modern and high-quality proxy servers are easily hidden from anti-fraud systems, have extensive working bases.

Using this method, you can have additional control, for example, by connecting a proxy checker online. This will help to monitor the state of the connection. Among other things, it is impossible not to mention the versatility of proxies. It is not just a way how to recognize ip ban and get out of it. It is a sure method to never get into it.

You can install a proxy yourself. You can choose a provider online, using the help of specialists. Working with services is not difficult. Even a beginner can cope with it. You can choose a suitable tariff and cancel it at any minute. Many proxy services have a trial period of 7-10 and even 14 days. The support service is also helpful, as it stays in touch and finds solutions to various complicated situations.

4. Connect to VPN

Another way how to remove an IP ban is to connect to a VPN. This is a popular and very logical method of fighting the blocking. With the help of a special program or online service, you can transfer your IP to another country in just a few clicks.

Among the advantages of a VPN it is worth noting:

  • Protection of Internet traffic from interception. To read your data, attackers will need an encryption key, which is literally impossible to pick up.
  • Location privacy. The address will be hidden, which is completely suitable for solving the ban problem.
  • View blocked content, and distribute content bypassing political restrictions.

High-quality VPN systems will easily convert your address, bypass state or geographical blocking, and help you get restricted content. You can download an OpenVPN server for your PC and activate it when needed, or you can use an online service. You can even find free options. Of course, they have their limitations, but as a one-time bypass ban by ip can be suitable.

ip banned how to bypass

5. Anti-detect-browser

If blocked ip address what to do the question arises first. Not always a good solution is known to everyone. For example, few users know about such a concept as an anti-detect browser.

Multi account browser allows you to create many profiles. Each of them will look like a separate user. Each profile will have its own time zone, country, device trace.

It is necessary to use the antidetect together with the proxy service, as it does not change the address. However, on the long run, if you need to have multiple accounts, this couple will be the best choice.

This way you get new addresses from the proxy services, and multiple accounts from the anti-detect browser. This combination creates a realistic impression that each account is a separate real user. You can create pages belonging to addresses in different parts of the world. With such support, the word “Ban” will become ridiculous for you. Be prepared that a good antidetect simply cannot be free. Read the recommendations carefully before you start using one of them.


Now you know how to find out if the ip address is blocked and you can get out of the situation in several ways. We are sure that among these methods you will find the right one for you. To do this, first of all, you need to start from your personal needs.

Summarizing, we would like to give practical recommendations that will help you overcome an unfair (or fair) ban.


If this situation occurred once and by chance, you can safely limit yourself to using a VPN or deleting the browser. These are very harsh methods of solution, but for a one-time violation of the rules, lack of commercial component, they may be enough for you.


If you often get banned as a consequence of your online activities, you should buy mobile proxies. This is a multidisciplinary solution that will thoroughly solve the problem of blocking, banning, restrictions, tracking information and much more. The proxy can be combined with an anti-detection browser for the best results.


Remember, the Internet is the World Wide Web, in which you need to find your thread. For every technique to limit user rights, a solution has long been invented, you just need to find it.

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