How proxy servers affect internet speeds


вплив проксі сервера на швидкість інтернету


Many potential users hear about the negative impact of proxies on internet speed. It sounds at least unpleasant, so let’s deal with this issue.

Features of a proxy connection

Connecting to the Internet through a proxy can be compared to creating a kind of buffer zone between us (users) and the World Wide Web. By passing through this buffer zone you gain anonymity, the ability to bypass geographical and political blockages. Once a proxy is activated, it is difficult to track you, your online activities, browser history, personal or corporate information.

But how do proxies affect internet speed, because creating that anonymity can’t go without slowing down the speed. Or can it?

Factors affecting the speed of Internet connection

Well, it’s time to reveal the truth, the influence of a proxy server on the speed of the Internet is really noted by users. But what it will be, depends on many factors. In particular:

  • The quality of the router, modem, network card and other equipment.
  • Efficiency of routing.
  • The volume of the data array passing through the service.
  • The performance of the proxy and its quality.
  • Processor load.
  • The amount of free memory on the computer.

There may be other factors affecting internet speed. As you can see, quality mobile proxies are not among the popular causes of connection delays. To understand what can be the cause of network slowdown, and whether the proxy is definitely not the cause, you need to check its speed. It’s also worth checking the ping.

Checking the ping and speed of a proxy server

There are several ways to check a proxy. You can use the popular proxy checker or you can check the ping. To do the second one is very easy, you need to:


Call the command line by pressing Win + R.


In the window, run the command “cmd”.


Enter the data according to the formula “ping [IP address of proxy server]”.


You can now see the entire packet of information. A large ping (more than 110 ms) indicates significant speed loss. By doing a comparative analysis, you can see that using a proxy to improve speed makes a significant difference. Often redirecting the path will reduce the ping.

How proxies affect internet speed

How to properly evaluate a connection through a proxy server

To understand whether a proxy affects the Internet speed, you need to test it. It is not difficult to do it, you can do it yourself. If a proxy is already installed and you suspect that it is “stealing” speed, perform two simple actions:

  • Use an online checker to check your internet speed. Write down the results obtained, it will help to correctly compare them with the following indicators.
  • Now disable the proxy and check again. The obtained value can be compared with the previous one.

This simple method will allow you to understand the real situation and evaluate the influence of proxies on the Internet speed. Having evaluated the indicators you can choose a proxy depending on your tasks. You may care more about the speed of downloading and uploading files, or the speed of response, or other indicators.

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