Cheap traffic for your business using multi-accounting


traffic accounts


By 2024, the online space has grown tremendously and users have not only acquired knowledge about smart online consumption, but have also developed a kind of immunity to advertising. The more inventive online business founders have to be to attract more customers while keeping costs down. Increasingly, multi-accounting for cheap traffic is becoming the number one choice. Effective and modern method of attracting traffic allows you to increase the conversion rate of the site and get new customers with minimal investment.

How to attract customers to your own site

Attract customers to the site can be done in different ways. For example, setting up advertising and waiting for natural growth, or using special techniques. The latter are certainly more effective, and help to gain an audience much faster. We will help to understand the system of multi-accounting and free (well, or almost) methods of attracting traffic.

Crowd marketing or guest posting

Attract cheap traffic to the site and even create a stir around the site and the product on it, will help this method. Its essence is to create an external image. In its implementation, it is necessary to write reviews on third-party resources, promote the product on forums, leave recommendations and ask other users to leave them. The main task is to increase the volume of reference mass on the expanse of the Internet. You can pay for such advertising to bloggers, hire a freelancer to write reviews with a link to the product, create different accounts for self-promotion.

Bulletin boards

An effective method to draw attention to your product is bulletin boards. You can put your offer on display for free or for a small amount of money to the interested public. This method has its disadvantages. You will attract the attention of only potential customers who are initially interested in the product. This is good for a narrow niche business, but bad for the product, the purchase of which occurs more often impulsively.

Email newsletters

Different sources of free traffic can benefit a business. This includes e-mail newsletters. Of course today this method of communication is not as popular as it was 10 years ago. However, it is indeed a completely free way to deliver information. There are minuses, and they are quite weighty. So, many users sort such mailings into “spam” without even reading. Some delete manually emails from unknown sources.

Social networks

Much more effective is to use social networks. There are many of them, and you can choose a particular one, or cover the most popular options. We will tell you about several social networks where to get cheap traffic.

  • Facebook. A globally popular platform with 3 billion users. There are pages of teenagers and presidents, housewives and businessmen. The most diverse audience, among which there is definitely your client. However, this platform is known for constant bans, even without much reason. And this is another reason to launch several accounts in verticals for each target group separately.
  • Instagram. The platform from Meta has an active audience of 1.3 billion users. Moderators check the quality of advertising and how “white” the product is. Therefore, it is quite easy to get into the Ban. But after all, you will have many accounts, which makes the ban not so terrible. In addition, many accounts allow you to distinguish the product among tens and thousands of other offers.
  • Twitter. Through this platform it is difficult to promote a product, the purchase of which is more often an impulsive decision. However, you can create the right visual positioning, add brand recognition, create the role of “necessity”. Through this social network you can sell any product, but the most effective will be the promotion of goods related to professional activities.
  • TikTok. Bright platform with free and diverse content can provide conditionally free traffic in large quantities. The purpose of the platform is entertainment, which means that each advertised product is perceived with ease. However, multi-accounting should be done consciously, as moderators keep an eye on it. It is important for them that the same product does not flood the feed of users from different accounts. But it can be worked around as well.
  • Pinterest. A network for inspiration and finding interesting products. Decorations, clothing, space organizing items and more sell well here. You can not just promote advertising, but create a recognizable image of your brand and product, show its usefulness in practice, get inexpensive advertising.
  • YouTube. One of the easiest and most straightforward methods to get an influx of new customers through multi-accounts for traffic is to convert traffic through youtube. Properly created channel, selected descriptions and tags, introduction of hooks allows you to quickly and effectively attract the audience, bringing it to the direct sales sites.
  • Linkedin. This resource can be called a social network for work. However, it still sells just as well, especially if your product has an appropriate specificity.


Having a base for mailing lists, you can conduct an effective program of informing customers. Messengers are essentially free sources of traffic to any other resource. You can inform users through a group, and keep their interest by keeping a kind of blog. It is also worthwhile to conduct cold mailings with discounts, updates, news. To achieve the greatest efficiency, you can connect the so-called “combine”. It will help to implement an auto sales funnel, verification system, mailings, etc.

Recruiting and creating activity

Promoting a new page will have to put a lot of effort to recruit an audience. In order to launch the product as soon as possible, it is worth using activity recruitment. It is important not just to buy subscribers. You need live activity, including comments, likes, reactions and more. Thus, your page as interesting will be seen by users and the social network itself. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that the recruitment of a soulless inactive audience can significantly damage your reputation, and literally destroy the blog without the possibility of its growth in the future. Balance is important here.

where to get traffic

How to earn through conditionally free traffic

Conditionally free traffic to the site means getting conversions to the site without direct costs. In its realization, external channels of attracting visitors to the site are used. Basically it is advertising in social networks, SEO promotion, guest posting, linking and other methods. Strategies of such promotion can be many. It is important to select, or better to develop, a personalized approach to attract visitors with minimal costs.

In addition to promoting your personal brand, you can sell generated traffic. This is another way to earn through UBT.

How much time will it take for the desired results

It is difficult to determine the time it takes to achieve the desired result. It all depends on several factors:

  • The result itself. To understand how much time is needed to achieve the goal, this very goal should be formulated and clearly described.
  • The number of accounts. Each account doubles your chances of success exponentially.
  • Coverage of a variety of platforms. The process is also affected by the number of platforms with which you will cooperate.

In some cases, the result comes within a few days of working with the method, in others it takes time. In any case, the result does not make you wait as long as when you build your audience naturally.

How to get interested users

After solving the question of how to get free traffic, the next question comes – how to get really interested users from it, who will become potential customers. To do this, you need to follow a few rules:


Make sure that all links used in linking are active. The user must get to the page you want. Otherwise, your efforts will lead the potential client to nowhere.


If you’re targeting a large audience, it’s worth using different accounts with settings for each CA. This optimizes the flow of users by redirecting them to the right part of the site.


To get interested users to come to you, choose the right hashtags, create descriptions and other SEO promotion tools.


Once you get cheap traffic for a business it is important to grab hold of the users that have come in. The success of multi-accounting, in the end, depends on the final product and your ability to hold the user’s attention. You will also have to put in effort to retain your audience. For example, if you attract customers from other countries, it is worth connecting SIM hosting. It will help you optimize costs, bypass SIM card blocking in roaming, and always stay in touch with current and potential customers.

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Which niches are worth using multi-accounting for

You can find different mobproxy rates for different countries from LTESocks, but in order to justify the costs incurred, you need to understand how your niche is suitable for multi-accounting. The most suitable ones can be considered to be:

  • Traffic Arbitrage. In this case, multiple accounts allow you to quickly launch a promotion, figure out the most successful one and scale it. This is an inexpensive method of conducting practical arbitrage with the most objective data.
  • Cryptocurrency. Traders create multiple accounts, and successfully respond to market changes on different exchanges. This makes it possible to make good money by playing on rate changes.
  • If your niche is E-commerce, buying mobile proxies and multi-accounting is sometimes the only really fast and effective way to promote your product. It allows you to quickly expand your business, influence different categories of target audience, and create a recognizable brand.
  • Betting and gambling. Both players and casinos themselves actively apply the methodology. The former receive in this way the maximum number of bonuses and favorable offers. The second – bypass moderation and have spare sources of attracting users when one account is blocked.

Now you know where to get traffic to the site and how to use it. Multiple accounts can be useful for promoting various cases. You will be able to adapt the principle of multi-accounting to your type of business. A significant plus of this system is the possibility of developing accounts with a wide variety of budgets, from free to unlimited.

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