Multi-asset crypto: tutorial on creating a farm


crypto multi-account

Multiakking is a modern tool that can’t be done without in crypto. The key problem they are able to solve is the lack of possibility for one user to take part in seals and other activities, where for completed tasks you can get allocation, get into Whitelist, NFC mint and become the owner of many other bonuses.

Developers of crypto-projects implement a number of restrictions related to IP address, browser fingerprint, device information and so on. In this article, we will tell you how to practice multi-accounting in crypto to bypass restrictions and give effective recommendations on how to create a cryptocurrency firm.

How to create a multi-account farm?

A multi-account farm is created by following the steps below.


Install an anti-detect browser.


Select and purchase proxies.


Create or buy social media accounts.


Organize efficiently.


Take steps to prevent accounts from being locked out.

To fulfill the last point, you will need to buy a proxy server.

multi-account farm

Installing an anti-detect browser

Anti-detect browser is a special software that is designed to encrypt the digital fingerprint. With the help of special mechanisms, it imitates other users, preventing blocking. Newcomers in this field are better to start their way with Incogniton, where you are allowed to use up to 10 tabs at once on a free basis. Such a number will be enough to take the first steps in multi-bookmarking. If you need to increase the number of windows, you can pay an additional 30 dollars and get another 50 – this option is necessary at the professional level. Another good option is Dolphin Anty Browser with the same number of free tabs. Downloading the browser and getting started is easy enough.

First, go to the official website of antidetect to get the application. Next, create a new profile and select the settings you need. Each profile requires a separate proxy server.

When you finish customizing your profile, save your changes. A green checkmark will be displayed next to each working proxy. If you have doubts about the functionality, you can use the proxy checker to test it. To launch the tab, just click on the “open” button next to the corresponding proxy.


Purchase proxy servers

Decide which proxies will meet your needs. In most cases, you can’t do without individual Socks 5. To calculate the number, you need to estimate the approximate number of tabs in the anti-detection browser. There is a huge number of services that offer favorable services for their users. You can start from the available features and tariffs.

In order to order a proxy:

  • open the “New Order” section;
  • decide on the type and version of proxy, country;
  • write the number of proxies and the length of the lease;
  • pay for the order in a convenient way.

Experienced users recommend avoiding proxy replacement. It is enough to purchase once, and extend the payment as needed.


Creating or buying social media accounts

In most cases, accounts in the following services are required for the crypto farm to function:

  • Email;
  • Twitter;
  • Discord;
  • Github.

An account is created for each individual tab in the browser and proxy. It is important to note that you will need different phone numbers to do this.

For those who plan to master multi-accounting seriously, the best option is to buy accounts on the OTC market or in specialized services.


Creating a crypto wallet for a farm

The process of creating cryptocurrency wallets is not much different from registering accounts. In most cases, Metamask is chosen for this purpose. A separate wallet is created for each available tab in the anti-detect browser and proxy. 

The secret of success in this case is to maximize the imitation of the activities of real people. Therefore, users who approach it responsibly and create multi-accounts in cryptocurrency en masse, buy different phone numbers for each proxy and register all accounts in services like Gmail and Discord on them. In this case, the probability of being banned is minimized.

How to warm up multi-account wallets?

Checking wallets for multi-account is a very important step that will make your future actions not suspicious to the sites.


Gradually stuffing at least 10-20 transactions in Ethereum using different actions.


Executing 20-30 transactions in Layer 1, with maximum mirroring of previous transactions.


The same principle applies to transactions in Layer 2 (30 to 50).


Diversification of activities through liquidity pools.

Along with the number of actions performed, the naturalness of your account will grow. Do not use repetitive patterns and simultaneous actions to avoid suspicious activity.

crypto multi-accounting

Recommendations on the quality of accounts

If in the future you want to re-purchase allotments and spots, inexpensive purchased accounts in social networks and e-mail boxes will be enough for this activity. If your goal is to re-buy, you will have to create better accounts.

Long-term work requires individual accounts, to which are attached different mobile numbers. Their purchase is an investment for a long time, which is guaranteed to pay off in most cases.


How to make money in a created multi-account farm

If accounts are already bought, proxies are linked to social networks and wallets are ready to be used, then the multi-account farm is ready and it’s time to act.

Start to pass airdrop, testnet and participate in other various projects, where with a large number of accounts you can get impressive rewards, unlike users with a single account. In the future, you can probe this area and increase the scale of your activities.


Advantages and disadvantages of multi-accounting in crypto

Multi-accounting opens up a lot of positive sides in crypto. We suggest looking at the most significant ones.

  • A weighty advantage over other users due to the larger number of accounts.
  • Guaranteed increased profits in events where rewards are given to each participant.

For example, if you managed to find a testnet, where absolutely all participants receive special payments, then thanks to the presence of 10 more accounts you will get 10 times more profit.

But there are downsides.

  • Watermelon requires a considerable amount of time. You will have to spend effort to pass the same giveaway or testnet.
  • Account bans do sometimes still happen (on Twitter or Discord).

In fact, multi-accounting is a very effective tool that is definitely worth the attention of beginners. Despite all the pitfalls, it is very effective in working with crypto.



Multi-account in crypto is not only profit, but also high risks. The correct distribution of investments in different projects will allow you to get only positive results of activity.

Using multi-accounts competently, you will be able to regularly withdraw the desired profit and increase its volume without the risk of blocking.

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