AdsPower – anti-detect browser for the arbitrageur


adspower what it is

Among the ways of earning money on the Internet, traffic arbitrage stands out. You create an advertisement, invest money there, promote on the Internet. When customers respond to the notice, they make a purchase, the customer pays a percentage of the profit. The difference between the investment and the reward is the arbitrageur’s salary.

To be ready to compete and make a profit, you need a large audience. To do this, it is worth having a huge number of accounts. Platforms that place advertising, implement various ways to combat multi-accounting, ban for a while or forever. To save personal profiles, arbitrageurs use anti-detect browsers. This allows you to use hundreds of accounts at once.

What is AdsPower?

One of the top anti-detect is Adspower browser. Powerful software allows you to work with multi-accounting and browser computerization processes without difficulty. It is suitable both for single work and for teamwork. For teams, there is an easy-to-use functionality here. It allows you to open or close access to certain processes to certain members of the group. For solo work, it synchronizes perfectly with all your devices, allowing you to perform various actions at a convenient place. Let’s understand more about Adspower, how to use it, its pros and cons.

Benefits of using

Ads power browser has robotic automation of processes. It memorizes operations (click, scroll) and then plays them back. This significantly speeds up all actions on the web. It doesn’t require you to be skilled in working with codes.

Three options for creating profiles

adspower for arbitrageurs

Adspower for arbitrage provides three main ways to create a profile:

  • single import (to create one profile, which will have the usual configurations);
  • quick import (creates several accounts at once, all with the same settings);
  • batch import (creates profiles from Excel files).

There is a Local API mechanism to automate the processes. With the help of RPA, all actions will take place independently. Such macros create ready-made blocks and there is no need to have technical skills.

Anonymity and security

Online, it’s always worth being careful and trying to protect yourself. All platforms use scanners or checkers to check digital fingerprints. If such a checker finds suspicious actions in your profile, it can send it to the ban. And this is time and money wasted. Adspower for arbitrageurs offers the most real fingerprints, which selects individually for the device. Adspower browser after installation checks the compatibility of computer power and software with each other. To increase plausibility and anonymity, it provides internal browsers based on Chromium and Firefox.


Adspower anti-detect browser has RPA, which stands for robotic process automation. This tool helps to computerize processes. This feature allows you to configure certain actions to be performed automatically. This reduces the human error rate and increases productivity.

Every arbitrageur tries to hide multi-accounting and the presence of bots. Robotic process automation is great for this. RPA mimics the actions of a real user and the anti-fraud system doesn’t realize the deception. AdsPower browser has a sufficient number of templates with actions in the public domain.

Quality of browser support and prices

AdsPower is a productive and prompt company in terms of customer support. Since AdsPower Browser is made in China, the language interface is not perfect and is buggy. But according to customer reviews, the support operators are attentive and always ready to help.

About prices, everything is simple. Browser runs a typical subscription model. You can try the paid features once to familiarize yourself with all the possibilities. Tariff plans for companies are more expensive than for private use. The browser offers two free accounts for new users forever.

How to use AdsPower?

This anti-detector has disadvantages in usability. Even experienced users who are already familiar with multi-account management find it hard to understand. For productive use of the browser, you need to understand the iron, then the strengths of AdsPower will be immediately visible. Despite the complex interface, this browser is preferred by most arbitrageurs.

Registration and profile creation

To get started, download the application. Since the browser is developed in China, the language of the initial page may be Chinese. It is possible to change it to English or Russian. After launching the antidetector on the main screen there will be a registration button. To do this, use a phone number or email. After registration, we do a second login to the system, using a login and password. Then create a profile.

To create an account, use the Got it – Single Import button. Next, fill in information about the platform on which you plan to work, name and username, it is necessary to come up with a password. Then, selecting the proxy, enter the server, port, login, password. Then click the Check Proxy button to check the IP address. To customize Useragent, you can choose suggestions from the system or enter your own data. The Open button launches the profile in the application. In the Adspower browser, automation will help to rock the profile, accelerate the profit.

Setting up a proxy for AdsPower

In Adspower, setting up proxy servers is an important consideration. These mechanisms change the actual location to a fictitious one. IP address is one of the main elements by which the site mechanism distinguishes between users. If there is more than one client at the same address, the site sends them all to the ban. Since openvpn alone will not do the job, you need to find a reliable proxy server. It is easy to buy mobile proxies. The choice should take into account all the nuances of the platform on which a person will work.


If you ask yourself the question: Adspower what it is, it is unlikely to be able to give an instant answer. This tool allows you to manage multiple accounts, automate processes and allows you to reduce human errors. And most importantly, the Adspower browser guarantees security and privacy on the Internet. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to use the presented application.


1. What makes AdsPower special?

It’s reliable, with a high level of customer support, has a great feature set, two free accounts, and the ability to automate without code.

2. How to download AdsPower browser for free?

You can download the application in the browser. But after activation you need to choose a plan, because only 2 profiles are free.

3. Can I use AdsPower for arbitrage?

Yes. The browser is suitable for self and team arbitrage.

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