After the entry of business into the Internet space, customer reviews have acquired a new meaning. Now every customer or potential customer of a company, the first thing to familiarise themselves with reviews, the number of marks and ‘stars’ in well-known search and social networks.
This information is useful not only for other users, but also for business owners. It opens up new opportunities for analysis and optimisation of work, professional growth and attracting new audiences. One of the most effective methods of work is to collect customer feedback using proxies.
Datasets for collecting feedback
Of course you can go through every review manually, carefully reading every mention on the forums. However, it is possible to do this work more efficiently and with less labour. How to automate the collection of reviews via proxy you will learn today.
So, first of all, you need to define what review datasets include.
Stars and ratings on profile sites.
Reviews left on listing platforms.
Reviews left through popular search engines such as.
Social Media Reviews and Marks.
Forum threads.
This data set will help to get the full picture and report, for a better understanding of your CA.
Ways to collect feedback by writing code
Collecting customer feedback with proxy servers will help you get more information, automate the process of collecting it, and organise the data. You can collect data by prescribing a programme code.
A popular and effective method of how to collect feedback from different IP addresses via proxy. When building a code, you should enter actual commands. For example, in order to extract the necessary information for analysis from the general mass of information, you should use the codes ‘$GLOBALS’ or ‘global variable’. Thanks to the ‘parsecode’ and ‘echo’ options, unnecessary data can be excluded.
Beautiful Shop
Proxy for parsing reviews on websites using Beautiful Soup ensures safe work and accurate analysis of the obtained information. By sifting data from the page, you get the necessary data in the form of content that is subject to further clustering and analysis.
Knowing how to collect customer feedback using proxies gives you a new tool to effectively reach your target audience. For electronic communication, you can use Java. It will guide you to HTML, which will allow you to collect the necessary data. Export all the information you are interested in and start studying it.
Сбор отзывов без знания кода
Do you really need to know programming codes to interact with reviews? – you may ask. No! There are other, no less effective methods of collecting the necessary data. For example, a ready-made openvpn server for pc. You can also use a scraper for Amazon, AliExpress, Ebay and other sites.
This method will not be customised directly to your needs and will require more time to study the information obtained. However, it saves a lot of effort and time in studying programme codes.
Important! When working on the World Wide Web, it is necessary to purchase a proxy checker online. This is your method of protecting personal data, information about your business, payment systems and other information, the confidentiality of which is a matter of principle.
Mobile proxies for parsing from LTESocks
Everyone learnt an important lesson long ago – working online should be safe. Any manipulation of payment systems, the provision of personal information, real addresses, passport data should be carried out under the strict supervision of your internal critic. This also applies to data collection work.
To ensure the safe analysis of information, it is necessary to connect high-quality proxies. How to protect the collection of reviews with proxies? The system guarantees the safety of all information in a confidential field, including your real IP address, payment system data, etc.
In addition, it is worth buying mobile proxies to avoid being blacklisted from sites. Despite the fact that data harvesting is legal, some sites may suspect you of collecting sensitive personal information of other users. A proxy is a defence system that works both ways.