Why you need resident and server proxies


why to use resident proxies

Proxy servers are used to increase privacy on the Internet. Earlier they were used to provide protection from surveillance and attacks on the network. A proxy server is an electronic device (tablet, laptop, smartphone) that acts as an intermediary between the user’s device or offline network and the Internet.

The principle of operation is to hide the real IP address, and instead show the address of the proxy server. For example, if you connect to the Internet directly from your smartphone and go to any site, you will see from which IP-address assigned to the user by his provider, the entry was made. But if you connect via mobile server proxies, the real address will be hidden, because it will be replaced by another address due to the proxy server.

What are resident and server proxies?

Let’s find out what to use resident proxies for. But first let’s define them. Resident proxies are a set of IP addresses that belong to specific devices of users located in different countries of the world. Users connect their devices to a peer-to-peer network where the firm can take information for a certain fee.

In order to better understand what server proxies are for, let’s give a clear definition. Server proxies are an IP address (Internet Protocol address) that is not associated with the network provider (ISP) of an electronic device. A group of data center IP addresses is usually assigned to one server, through which traffic is routed to collect information.

why resident proxies are needed

What are resident proxies for?

Resident proxies have advantages that make them highly sought after by users. Let us enumerate what resident proxies are needed for:

    • Thanks to them, any number of simultaneous requests for information can be sent;
    • they have high rates of accurate information and provide multiple geolocations;
    • they provide access to a huge number of landing pages characterized by strict blocking technologies.
    • by using a peer-to-peer node to identify a request as private.

These advantages are the answer to the question why resident proxies are needed. But the disadvantage of such a proxy is its price, which will be much higher than a server proxy. But these costs more than justify themselves.

Why use server proxies?

In order to clearly understand why to use server proxies, we will list their main advantages below:

    • they are characterized by short request paths and high speed of information retrieval;
    • they are much cheaper compared to resident proxies;
    • they are fixed IP addresses, providing organizations with a fixed IP address for applications and in the process of work where it will be preferable.

The downside is that these addresses are taken from a pool of addresses and may be applied before they are needed. And because of this, the collection of information may not be as fast, and the web page may block such an address. Therefore, server proxies will be better used for domains that have a simple blocking mechanism.

what are server proxies for
Since the difference between resident and server proxies is more than obvious, most users prefer resident proxy servers, which are more effective in hiding IP addresses and speed of information retrieval. After all, few people will like it when there will be frequent address blocking from a server proxy.

Where to buy the best resident proxies?

With us users can purchase resident proxies at affordable prices: individual, permanent, dynamic and many others. Thanks to our reputation, many users turn to us, especially since we have a huge number of IP addresses, through which you can use the Internet without fear that your address will be tracked. The use of resident proxies will allow you to quickly get the necessary information for individual or commercial tasks.

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